Wear diversity with pride
Under the slogan #seedsofchange, in addition to collaborating in ethical and sustainable initiatives with the aim of turning around the way we consume fashion, we want to be part of the fight for the rights we have as a society, for freedom, dignity and respect for the LGBTIQ+ collective.
We are committed to creating synergies with unconventional people and brands, who seek to feel special with collections that take style and design to another dimension. On the occasion of Pride month, we have created the exclusive Mikakus™ Equality capsule. The special edition capsule, produced in Belgium, is made from 100% organic cotton. The first 100 orders will receive the T-shirt within the usual delivery time. The rest will be delivered within a maximum of 15 days using the On Demand manufacturing model, with the aim of moving towards ethical consumption and 0 waste production.

We want to be part of the fight for the rights we have as a society, for freedom, dignity and respect for the LGBTIQ+ community. Through the Equality collection we do our bit to raise awareness, defend, educate and celebrate diversity.
Todos de los beneficios obtenidos de la venta de estas piezas irán destinados ILGA-Europe, la fuerza motriz de la igualdad entre el colectivo LGBTI en Europa y Asia Central. Es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que trabaja con activistas LGBTI de 54 países y los apoya en su camino hacia un mundo en el que nadie sea perseguido, oprimido o discriminado por su orientación sexual o identidad de género.