Terms and conditions

Information prior to the contractual process

This website www.mikakus.com is the property of PUKMAL ITEMS SL with Tax number B66897935 and fiscal address in RAMBLA CATALUNYA 2-4, 08007, BARCELONA, operating under the brand name MIKAKUS.

The Terms and Conditions of Contract governing the distance selling relationship between PUKMAL ITEMS SL and the user or client, according to the legal provisions in particular Law 7/1998, of 13 April, on General Conditions of Contract Law 3/2014 of 27 March by which the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users is amended, Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, General Data Protection Regulations (EU) 2016/679 Law 7/1996 of 15 of January of the Retail Trade Regulation, and Law 34/2002 of 11 July of Services of the Association for the Electronic Information and Commerce PUKMAL ITEMS SL reserves the right to make any amendments it deems appropriate in the General Conditions without prior notice. Said amendments may be made through its websites by any form admissible in law and shall be of obligatory compliance during the period in which they are published on the websites and until they are subsequently amended. However, PUKMAL ITEMS SL reserves the right to apply, in certain cases, Special Conditions of Contract in preference to the present General Conditions when it considers it appropriate, announcing them in due time and form.This website is the property of PUKMAL www.mikakus.com ITEMS SL with Tax number B66897935 and fiscal address in RAMBLA CATALUNYA 2-4, 08007, BARCELONA (BARCELONA), operating under the brand MIKAKUS.

The purpose of web page is the sale of sports shoes (Sneakers).

The term of the contract shall be bound upon delivery of the product without prejudice to the right of withdrawal.

Additionally, you can subscribe to the newsletter to receive offers of the referred products or general information that may be of interest to you.

The user or client expressly declares to know, understand and accept the terms and conditions of use and these general conditions of contract. In the same way, declares to be of legal age and have the legal capacity to act and necessary to access the PUKMAL ITEMS SL websites and to enter into contracts through the same.

The European Commission offers a dispute resolution platform online available in the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/

To purchase our products, you can go to the corresponding section of our online store.

Once the purchasing process is finished the customer will receive an email confirmation. It is imperative that during the purchase process the user enters a valid email address. If within 24 hours from the completion of the order you do not receive a confirmation, please contact ITEMS IN PUKMAL SL customer service telephone 646569505 or by e-mail hey@mikakus.com.

All the contents of the website are in Spanish, English and Japanese.

The customer upon receipt of the product on the delivery address provided, will receive an invoice or a copy of the order.

Offer and validity

In case of a product on offer, the offer price and validity of the same shall always be indicated next to its essential characteristics,.

In compliance with the current regulations PUKMAL ITEMS SL offers information on all items for sale, its characteristics and prices. However, PUKMAL ITEMS SL reserves the right, to remove, replace, or change the products offered in its website, simply by changing the content of the same. In this manner, the products offered at the time on the website shall be governed by the current General Conditions of Contract in each case. Additionally, the company shall have the authority to stop offering, without prior notice and at any time, access to the mentioned products.

Essential characteristics of the products

The products offered in our online shop, incorporate a photograph and the essential characteristics of the same, which is the information obtained from the manufacturer. The colour of the product, observable in the photograph is not binding. The same is indicated in the characteristics.


PUKMAL ITEMS SL answers to non conformity claims of all products offered on the website for a period of two years from delivery. PUKMAL ITEMS SL has an after-sales service for the indicated term. The client may contact PUKMAL ITEMS SL, after-sales services by e-mail to hey@mikakus.com or the places established by the provider. In case of doubt you can call customer service at 646568505 or by e-mail hey@mikakus.com.


Check the shipping price and delivery time of your country below:

- VISA or MASTERCARD credit card

All transactions involving transfer of personal or banking data are made using a secure environment, a server based on the standard security technology SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). All transmitted information to us travels encrypted through the net.

Additionally your credit card data is entered directly in the bank web page, at the POS (Bank's Web-based Point of Sale) and is not entered or registered on any server in PUKMAL ITEMS SL.

When paying with VISA or MASTERCARD customers will be asked to supply the following information: credit card number, expiry date, and the validation code which are the last three figures of the number printed in italics on the back of your VISA or Mastercard, offering in this manner greater security in the transaction.

This payment method is only valid in the website.

When the cost of a purchase had been charged in a fraudulent manner using the credit card number, the holder of the same may demand the immediate cancellation of the charge. In said case, the corresponding debit and credit entries on the accounts of the provider and the holder shall be made as soon as possible.

However, if the purchase was actually made by the holder of the card and the cancellation request is not a consequence of having exercised the right of withdrawal or resolution and, therefore, would have unduly requested the cancellation, the same will have to pay all expenses incurred by PUKMAL ITEMS SL occurring as a consequence of the cancellation.

- PayPal

Allows you to make online payments securely and comfortably. The PayPal network is based on the existing bank accounts and credit cards financial infrastructure to create a global payment solution in real-time. PayPal offers a service specially designed for those who do not wish to use the traditional payment methods.

More information on PayPal. http://www.paypal.com

The availability of the products offered by PUKMAL ITEMS SL can vary based on the clients demand. Despite the fact that PUKMAL ITEMS SL restocks the inventory periodically, the product ordered by the customer could be sold out at that time. In the event that the order is not processed by non-availability of the product, when PUKMAL ITEMS SL becomes aware of this situation will notify the customer, by email. This communication under no circumstances will exceed a maximum period of 30 days. PUKMAL ITEMS SL will give the option to: provide the customer without a price increase, a product of similar characteristics or of superior quality, or unless by justified and demonstrable reasons by PUKMAL SL ITEMS within the same period reimburses the amounts paid by the cancelled order.

Right of withdrawal, returns and claims.

Right of withdrawal

The buyer shall have a minimum period of 14 calendar days to desist, starting on the day the client receives the product, without penalty and without giving any reason.

To exercise the right of withdrawal it shall be made by notification by telephone 646568505, or email hey@mikakus.com, or a letter to our postal address RAMBLA CATALUNYA 2-4, 08007, BARCELONA (BARCELONA), or through the waiver form.

According to the provisions of article 103 of Law 3/2014, of 27 March by which the consolidated text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users is amended, the supply of services or goods made in accordance with the specifications of the consumer or clearly personalised or which, by their nature, cannot be returned or may deteriorate or expire rapidly are exempt of cancellation.


The customer must return or deliver the product directly to PUKMAL ITEMS SL, to the following address RAMBLA CATALUNYA 2-4, 08007, BARCELONA (BARCELONA), without any undue delay, and in any event within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the date of the right of withdrawal of the contract. The deadline shall be understood as complied with if the customer returns the product before the end of same.

The customer will be responsible for the cost of return of the product.

Return of a defective product.

In case that the product is not in good condition and the causes are not attributable to the client, the same shall be entitled to return the product, informing PUKMAL ITEMS SL of the reason for the return through any of the established methods provided in these contract conditions, at no cost for the customer. The return by defect or poor condition of the product shall not be considered a right of withdrawal.

PUKMAL ITEMS SL undertakes to assume the cost of the return and to return a new product to the customer according to the conditions agreed at the time of the sale.

If the customer wishes to file a complaint, PUKMAL ITEMS SL offices are located in RAMBLA CATALUNYA 2-4, 08007, BARCELONA (BARCELONA) or via email hey@mikakus.com


Additionally, PUKMAL ITEMS SL reserves the right to file civil or criminal actions it deems appropriate by the wrongful use of its website and contents or by the non-compliance of the present conditions.

The relationship between the user and the provider shall be governed by the applicable regulations in the Spanish territory. For any dispute that may arise the parties may submit their disputes to arbitration or resort to the ordinary jurisdiction in compliance with the applicable standards on jurisdiction and competence in this regard. PUKMAL ITEMS SL has its domicile in Barcelona, Spain.